Top Five Ways I Want to Enjoy My Time With My Kids | Sunshine Lady Photography
Man, I love my kids. I especially love them after they’ve gone to bed and are quiet and I can reminisce about all the cute moments throughout the day and conveniently forget all the bickering, complaining about their meals, constant snack requests, and cleaning up after them as they hurricane through my house. Absence does make the heart grow fonder, amiright?
Anyway, if I’m being honest, I’m working my ASS off right now with my photography work and my never ending effort to build my education side of my biz. Couple that with a husband who very recently is constantly traveling for work and a house that will literally dissolve into a state of absolute chaos if I’m not triaging all the messes, it’s very difficult to find any time to be creative for myself. I legit have to put it on my calendar or it ain’t happening. After doing a shoot in my office with my friend Melina Be, I left the sheet up (which clearly needed dewrinkled again, but whatever), and asked my cuties to let me photograph them for a whole five minutes of partial cooperation. These may not be award winning photos, but it was fun to a.) practice setting up a scene I’d like to recreate with future clients b.) spend time with my girls c.) capture a moment in time that I won’t get back.
I’m feeling especially aware of the passing of time lately, so I thought I’d use this blog post as a platform to write to myself about what I want to focus on going forward. Feel free to steal my ideas (or add your own in the comments! Come on, we live for comments because it’s good for our website SEO and to know what we are not just writing into the void).
Travel abroad with my girls. I have so many places I want to go, but some of the top spots with the fam include Costa Rica, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, and Mexico.
Take each kid out on a date at least once a month. We don’t even have to spend money! But it’s so easy to grow apart when they’re in school all day and I work many evenings. Time to be more intentional with our time together.
Resume our dance parties we used to frequently have and have kind of petered out.
Take more photos of them!! Duh.
Teach them to cook. Both have shown interest in it, and maybe, just maybe, if they’re involved in what they eat, they’ll appreciate it more and reject it less.

Even if you don’t own a camera, you can still have fun photographing your kids with your phone. I have a course on photographing your kids that you can grab right here by signing up for my education email list.