Sunshine Lady Photography

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Tomoko's Maternity Shoot

Last month, I lost my son during a premature delivery. This has been the most difficult time of my life, but keeping busy with creative endeavors has helped me move forward during such a dark time. One way I'm using my creativity is with my photography.  Recently, I offered  free maternity sessions to some local moms as both an opportunity to build my portfolio (because I absolutely love maternity shoots) and as a way to help a few moms-to-be cherish this incredible time in their lives. Although it is difficult for me to be confronted with my loss by acknowledging their joys, it is also a good reminder for me to cherish my daughter and look forward to our future. 

Tomoko took me up on my offer and met me at Seabright Beach last Sunday afternoon. Already a mother to little Wesley, Tomoko and her husband are expecting a little girl in December to round out their cute family. I wish them so much love and happiness.