Motherhood Sessions | Northern Colorado | Sunshine Lady Photography
Five Reasons You Should Book a Motherhood Session
If you’re a mom, one thing you know to be true is that “the days are long but the years are short.” Children are the ultimate benchmark for how quickly time passes. One day you’re pregnant, the next day your baby is trying her first solid food, and then suddenly she’s in third grade, only to be followed by graduation and moving across the country for college. Time is a thief.
One way to take a little bit of control over time is to document these fleeting moments with your children. Motherhood photography, a genre in which I specialize, is a celebration of your role as a mother, the love you have for your children, and the authentic connections that you share with them. These images are about emotive moments of a mother and her child bonding. They’re definitely not your smile-at-the-camera-and-say-cheese holiday card images (although I do try to get a few smiling at the camera shots in).
Still on the fence about whether or not a motherhood session is for you? Here are five reasons to do it.
Open up your phone and look at your camera roll. How many pictures do you see of yourself with your kids? Probably very few. How much would your adult children love to see pictures of them WITH their mother? Think about it from their adult perspective.
How often do you do anything for yourself beyond squeezing in a shower and possibly some exercise? Unfortunately, we live in a culture that glorifies busyness, which leaves very little time for self care. You have to carve out these moments and experiences in order to have them anymore. A photo session is a great way to force yourself to pamper yourself, dress up a little, and carve out some time to just BE with your children.
Dads hate getting their pictures taken (and for same sex couples, this can be just as true with the other partner). I am a pretty good dad lasso-er, if I do say so myself, but let’s be honest, most men HATE being in photos. Some are really obnoxious about it too and pout and complain until it becomes more of a chore than an event. Getting pictures with just your children allows you to fully enjoy the process AND give your spouse a chance to get in some me-time as well.
Studies show that children have significantly higher levels of confidence when they see pictures of themselves displayed in their homes. Perhaps the same is true for adults.
It’s simply impossible to remember every moment with our children, try as we might. A photo can capture a moment in time that we might otherwise forget, and that is invaluable (in my humble opinion.)