Family Maternity Session | SF Bay Area | Sunshine Lady Photography
Why family maternity sessions are important
When I was pregnant with a toddler, I remember complaining to my OB about how not fun it is to be pregnant with a toddler. She laughed and told me that she often refers to first pregnancies as “princess pregnancies,” because you have time to lie around and indulge yourself in your pregnancy. When you have a toddler in the mix, you are lucky to get a full night’s rest. The idea of indulging yourself seems foreign, but I am here to say that you DO deserve to enjoy and capture this pregnancy. And furthermore, I think it’s more fun to include your family in your maternity shoot, snotty noses, crying toddler, absolute chaos and all. Here’s why:
Even if this isn’t your first pregnancy, it is still worth photographing.
I’m a second born, so I truly know that pains and advantages to being #2. My sister got to go through all the humilating social experiences that I learned to avoid, but she also received that extra attention and care that only a first baby gets before the mom gets too distracted to keep up these charades. My oldest has a baby book, endless baby photos, videos of her firsts, and my poor youngest barely has any baby photos to look back at. I know it’s hard to be both pregnant and a mom at the same time, but I can promise you that your baby in your belly will treasure images of your pregnancy with him/her just as much as your firstborn.
Your next baby will want to see pictures of him/her in your belly.
If you have ADD like I do, you’re quick to move on to the next thing.
This is a bonding experience.
No matter how excited your eldest is about a new baby brother or sister, there is still going to be an adjustment period that may be uncomfortable for all. A family maternity session provides you an opportunity to bond and celebrate the new baby in a way that allows the big bro or sis to feel special, involved, and important in the process.
Kids cooperate better when they’re having fun.
Urban scapes are fun because there’s something unexpected around every corner. The people, the cars, the lights, the colors, the sounds- all of it will distract kids from getting bored and allow for more engaging photo opportunies.

Need any more reasons to make Old Town Fort Collins (or the RINO district in Denver or downtown Santa Cruz!) the backdrop for your next photo session? Get in touch!