Fort Collins Family Photographer | Dreamy Horsetooth Reservoir Session | Sunshine Lady Photography
As summer winds down, I’m admiring these dreamy images of the Sabin family from our Horsetooth Reservoir mini session. It’s not the first time I’ve photographed this family, and I love to see how they’ve changed and grown since our last session. We lucked out and caught a beautiful sunset- the kids were happy to throw rocks into the water and explore, and we sat around together and chatted it up while I snapped my camera. One thing we discussed was how to approach this school year with a full on pandemic in the works. Rylee has opted to homeschool her kids and use the principles of a book she recommend to me, The Call of the Wild + Free: Reclaiming Wonder In Your Child’s Education by Ainsley Arment. (I’ve since purchased this book and am enjoying it so far.) Essentially, this book calls for us to let our children learn by playing and exploring, which is the antithesis of our current education model (believe me, I know- I used to have to proctor all the standardized tests for eleventh graders when I was a high school English teacher and we lost a MONTH of instructional time to it).
After our session, I asked Rylee to share some of her motherhood wisdom for the blog. Here’s what she had to say about it:
Who are you, what do you do, and where are you from?
My name is Rylee Sabin. I’m a stay at home mom who is homeschooling her munchkins. I was born in Boulder, now live in Laporte, CO.

Please Define Motherhood In Your Own Words.
Oh motherhood, it’s something I always wanted even at a young age. Didn’t plan on it when it happened but my soul was always ready. It has its bumps, it’s ups and downs. The long days but the short years. The days when I can’t wait for everyone to go to bed. The days I feel like my heart is going to burst from happiness just hearing them laugh. But even at its hardest, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

What Advice Can You Give Our Mommy Readers?
Always believe in your self. Mommy truly always knows best.

What Was The Best Advice On Motherhood Have You Ever Received?
As a new mom, to always get out of the house at least once a day. As a mom to three, always take the time to make sure your as ready as your kids. You deserve to always feel your best.

Thinking about your own family photo session at Horsetooth Reservoir? I’d love to hear from you!