The Spinner Family | Fort Collins Family Photographer | Sunshine Lady Photography
A Golden Hour Family Session at Horsetooth Reservoir
A few months ago, the Spinner family met me at Horsetooth Reservoir for some sunset family photos. East Coasters turned Rocky Mountain transplants, they love the outdoor options available to their family and so they left humid Connecticut behind. We spent the next hour exploring Horsetooth and catching some sweet family moments. Liz’s husband, a public land manager, also ended up saving us from the bite of a sunning rattlesnake, much to my terror and relief, and now I know to be much more self aware when wandering around in the late summer.
I asked Liz to share some of her insight on motherhood for the blog and she was nice enough to oblige. Read on to learn about her experience and to see their beautiful moments we captured.
Who are you, what do you do, and where are you from?
Hi, I'm Liz! I am a mom of two cute boys, a wife to my forever adventure partner, and an operating room nurse. I am a proud New Englander with a humidity problem, so here we are in Fort Collins, Colorado!

What did you choose to wear for our shoot?
I chose to wear a cream colored eyelet sundress from Urban Outfitters that created movement and highlighted my softer 'mom' curves. I am not as toned as I once was prior to motherhood, but that is exactly what I wanted to celebrate. When we decided to get family photographs, I wanted to make sure I gave myself grace and the freedom to look like the mom and wife that I am. (And I showered, so I was looking GOOD) Our kiddos wore comfy clothes from Target/H&M, and my husband wore a chambray shirt, because he always looks good in blue.
What did you enjoy most about our photo session?
Kate has an amazing talent to find beauty in any environment, but she is also such a fun people person that our photoshoot felt like catching up with an old friend. I am still tickled pink by the scenery we are accustomed to here in Colorado, so the mountain views never got old as we enjoyed the light-hearted evening.

Please Define Motherhood In Your Own Words.
My biggest joys have come from creating a family, and finding delight in seeing my children experience the world around them. Motherhood brings new meaning, purpose, responsibility, and a sense of selflessness to my life. Motherhood is messy, exciting, chaotic, and simple, all within an hour's time. Motherhood is holding your baby in the still of the night and savoring the sweet moment they fall asleep in your arms. Motherhood is being puked on and laughing at the absurdity of the moment . Motherhood is hard, frustrating, and challenging. Motherhood is intuitive- you are their teacher, mentor, and coach. Motherhood is making it up as you go. Motherhood gives me renewed gratitude for my own mother who taught me to love endlessly. Motherhood is an honor- one I couldn't trade for anything. (Now excuse me while I clean up dried Cheerios off my floor.)
What Advice Can You Give Our Mommy Readers?
Do not focus on what you can't provide your kids, rather, focus on all the positive things you CAN provide them! We might not be able to afford the fanciest toys, clothes, or luxurious vacations, but we can provide a home in which they know they are loved. We can provide a place of acceptance no matter who our kids want to be, what they want to do, or who they want to love in life. We can teach our kids to care for others, the planet, and themselves. Heck, we won't be taking our kiddos to France this year (for obvious reasons), but we CAN pick up some croissants from the French bakery down the road, tell Alexa to play Parisian music, throw a table cloth over the worn kitchen table, and pretend to be in a cafe on the Champs-Élysées! At the end of the day, children won't remember material things you didn't provide, but they will always remember and act upon the foundation you gave them as parents.

What Was The Best Advice On Motherhood Have You Ever Received?
Short and sweet: never underestimate the power of fresh air! When you're having a frustrating day and everyone is going to lose it, change up your scenery! It's amazing how quickly a short walk, bike ride, hike, or run around the backyard can help everyone's attitude! And on those days when it's too nasty to go outside, a bubble bath does the trick as well!

Thinking about your own family photo session at Horsetooth Reservoir? I’d love to hear from you!