Mommy + Me Mini Sessions | Colorado Family Photographer
Lexi and Izzi’s Mommy + Me Session
If you’re one of those women who really regret not getting newborn photos taken but still want to capture your little one as a baby, don’t fear! Weeknight mini sessions are a fun option for families with little ones who want to capture their babies while they’re still babies. Lexi reached out to me because she had never gotten newborn pictures with her 11-month-old, Izzy, and wanted to get some mommy + me photos. We choose Devil’s Backbone in Loveland (which, by the way, looks so much like Australia) as our location and made our way there about an hour before sunset.
As we made our way up the trail, we were greeted by friendly hikers. Sunflowers dotted the hills and the sun glowed through the rocks, providing us with the perfect setting for our shoot. After our session, I asked Lexi if she could answer some questions abut motherhood to share with my readers, and she was gracious enough to do so. Read on to learn more about Lexi and Izzy!
Who are you, what do you do, and where are you from?
My name is Alexis (but I go by Lexi). I’m a 29 year old first time mama. I’ve been a full time NICU nurse for the past 7 years. I grew up in the country on a cattle ranch in North Dakota. I moved to Colorado in 2016 with my now husband/then boyfriend.

What did you choose to wear for our shoot?
I chose a beautiful rust colored dress from Roolee, along with a hat that I found on Amazon. My sandals are from target from a few summers ago. I also brought my Fawnypack with to hold my keys and a diaper and wipes for Izzy. Izzy’s jean colored outfit I also found on Amazon. Her moccasins are from Bird Rock Baby.

What did you enjoy most about our photo session?
I loved how comfortable and natural it felt. I was nervous how it would go without having met you before the shoot but once we started talking, it felt like we already knew one another. That made it so much easier to just have fun with Izzy and not worry so much about what I should be doing or how I should be “posing,” etc.

Please Define Motherhood In Your Own Words.
Motherhood is the wildest rollercoaster! There are highs, lows, lots of giggling, some crying, and a little bit of puke once in awhile haha! But it’s been the absolute best ride I’ve ever been on (and I usually hate rollercoasters!)

What Advice Can You Give Our Mommy Readers?
Comparison is the thief of joy. Each child, each mama, and each journey of parenting is different, and that’s a good thing! Learn from others but always remember that you’re the best mama for YOUR child and that’s all that matters. And if you’re debating asking your husband(or whoever) to take your picture; ask him/them to take the picture!

What Was The Best Advice On Motherhood Have You Ever Received?
Tomorrow’s another day. Maybe today was hard, like REALLY hard, but tomorrow is another day; a chance at a better day.

Interested in doing your own motherhood session? My weeknight minis are the perfect opportunity! Click here to learn more!